Two Peas in a Pod

Leer este blog en español ይህንን ብሎግ በአማርኛ ያንብቡ Over time, every organization gets shaped by and resembles the people who contribute the most to it.  Part of the reason I love International Samaritan so much is because of how much it resembles an 84-year-old woman who...

Write It Down AMHARIC

Read this blog in English Leer este blog en español እግዚአብሔርም መለሰልኝ እንዲህም አለ። አንባቢው ይፈጥን ዘንድ ራእዩን ጻፍ፥ በጽላትም ላይ ግለጠው። ትንቢተ ዕንባቆም 2፡2 እ.ኤ.አ በ2008 የፀደይ ወቅት ከዲትሮይት ዩናይትድ ዌይ መሪዎች ጋር የሽርሽር ፕሮግራም ላይ ነበርኩ እና በ2030 ዲትሮይት ከተማን ለመስራት እና ለመኖር አመቺ ከሆኑ ምርጥ 5 ከተሞች መካከል አንዷ ለማድረግ...

Write It Down SPANISH

Read this blog in English ይህንን ብሎግ በአማርኛ ያንብቡ Entonces el SEÑOR respondió: “Escribe la revelación y explícala en tablas para que un heraldo corra con ella”. Habacuc 2:2 En la primavera de 2008, estaba en un retiro con los líderes de United Way de Detroit y se nos...

Write It Down!

Leer este blog en español ይህንን ብሎግ በአማርኛ ያንብቡ Then the LORD replied, “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”  Habakkuk 2:2 Back in the spring of 2008, I was at a retreat with the leaders of Detroit’s United Way and we...

A Parent’s Gift

“Finding time for myself was foolishness–an utterly unfamiliar, far-fetched idea!” said Sisay, a mother of one of our scholars at the closing ceremony of an intensive parenting course we held recently at our family life center.  “It never crossed my mind!”  Her...