Our duty to serve lasts more than a single week abroad.

We want to help cultivate a heart of service. That’s why we’re asking all of our partners to join us for the Learn, Serve, Grow program, a new curriculum dedicated to taking service and partnership to new heights.

Schools, churches, and community groups who join the Learn, Serve, Grow program are connected with one of the communities we serve in Central America, East Africa, or Jamaica. Before they travel to meet their partner community, the group participates in Learn, Serve, Grow, activities, which include fundraising to sponsor the holistic scholarships of 10 Samaritan Scholars in that partner community.

book group


We want both our Samaritan Scholars and our supporters to be able to learn through their relationships with each other. Examples of LEARN include:

• Book Clubs

• Video Calls

• Spanish & English Meetups

• Class Projects

• Collaborative Curriculum Planning


We feel that service is a foundational element of cultivating empathetic citizens of the world. Examples of SERVE include:

• Local Service

• Immersion Trips

• Scholar Trips to the U.S.

• Service Project Planning Teams

• Campus Chapters & School Clubs


Through GROW, our partners take all that they have learned and act as advocates, helping us reach even more individuals and communities who need aid. Examples include:

• Seasonal Events: Samaritan 5K, Samaritan Tree

• Reflection Nights

• Other School-Wide Fundraisers & Online Campaigns

“I enjoyed talking with the Jamaican students about the similarities and differences between our cultures. Even though we live in different places, we share many struggles and triumphs. I now know more about both myself and others.”


University of Detroit Jesuit High School Student

“The bonds I made with the people living in the community were so impactful and really made the entire experience. I thought being exposed to that level of poverty was so eye-opening and life-changing.”

Marian High School student

after a trip to Honduras

Join the Program.

Once your school, church, or community group joins the program, we’ll connect you with one of our communities in either Central America, East Africa, or Jamaica. Then, as part of your Learn, Serve, Grow activities, you’ll be learning about the community and fundraising for the scholars there. The Samaritan Scholars will be empowered! They’ll be able to stay in school, break the cycle of poverty, and have a brighter future, thanks to the support of your group.

To learn more about the Learn, Serve, Grow program or to inquire about bringing Learn, Serve, Grow to your organization, email us at info@intsam.org.  We’ll be happy to answer any questions!


4 + 12 =

Our Learn, Serve, Grow Partners

Grace Community Church